Saturday, January 19, 2008

They Did It!

The December 2007 issue of National Geographic Adventure Magazine has an article on the coolest adventurers of the year. One guy hiked almost 7,000 miles on trails around the United States, while another guy retraced Genghis Khan's route to Europe on horseback. Watch the video of a couple that circumnavigated the globe on their own power or read about some of the other adventurers ( and let me know which adventure you might want to add to your life list.


Unknown said...

when hall saves the man on everest.. its a pretty intense description of this guy just dangeling fro his life.

Tyler said...
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Matt S said...
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Alan Campbell said...

I would have to say my favorite is about Dan Mazur and how he saved Lincoln Hall. I think that it would be interesting to add climbing everest to my life list, but I would want a trust worthy guide that won't try and kill me or not let me make it to the top.
The next one that I read was the first female space tourist. It would be fun to go to space and hopefully one day when the price is cheaper than 20 million, and normal non-billionaires could go. I might look into it.

Matt S said...

i read the one about everest. The story is very unique because he left his dream of making to the top of the summit, to help a friend after the guide ran back down the mountain. Giving up reaching the top of the world is hard to do, but he made the right descion.
The second I read was about Eh Kalu's efforts to try and aid nearby villages who were suffering from fammine, and threatment of gun wounds. It's risking because the government doesn't allow this and Eh Kalu goes behind enemy lines and through thick jungles to reach these people.

Olga said...

One really inspiring story was the one about the 49 year old biologist who found uninhabtited atolls, which are underwater ecosystems. His passion towards this subject and his reaction to finding this hidden treasure was to create a sanctuary for preserving the new found life there!

helga said...

My favorite story was the one about Jamstar, a 29 year old female surfer. She lives on the North Shore in Hawaii, but she surfed an enormous wave in California (over 30ft tall)to win her a $5,000 prize. I just think its awesome that she's breaking the barrier for women surfers.

AFAbaseball said...

I read about the guy who hiked the pacific crest trail. That sounds like one of the coolest hiking trips in the US. He experienced no crowds like on the AT and got to see many of the national parks.
Also the people who circumnavigated the world on human power were crazy. They survived a hurricane while rowing across the Atlantic ocean.

helga1 said...

The story about the biologist who traveled through the jungles in New Guinea and finding more than 40 new species in the Foja Mountains of western New Guinea. It's amazing that there are still many species in the world that we don't know about!

Olga1 said...

i really liked the story about the man who was guiding a tour up Mt. Everest when his tour group stumbled upon a man who was in fairly stable conditions but not good enough to survive on Everest to for too much longer. The Guided tour decided to turn around and bring the stranded msn along with them to help him get better. turning around lost money and the chance to see the summit of Everest! but i think that to save a life would be more rewarding.

Unknown said...
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B-radG said...
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Jordan said...
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Unknown said...

Ok now the woman who built her own space ship is pretty cool. But she has to have no friends. I mean really she must keep to hersself all the time


Olga1 said...

i read the blog about an Iranian woman who folowed her dreams and "reached for the stars" to do something that was a goal in her lifetime. she and her huband sold a personally owned company and then trained and prepared for a trip into space! this ambition and aadventure was porbably so worth the trip and the expenses...what an amazing dream.

helga said...

I read the story about Sinclair, an esteemed photographer who took photographs of 9/11 and the tsunami in Sri Lanka. While these photos were a major accomplishment, she traveled to remote places to capture pictures of child brides. She lived in the Ghor Province for weeks in order to get a shot of young girls being married off at age ten. Some girls even set themselves on fire in protest.

B-radG said...

I am most intrested in the Mt Everest climb. In my life time I would really like to climb it. I think that its pretty crazy how Dan Mazur saved Lincoln Hall. But I would take severe caution to whom I allow to climb with me.

Unknown said...

continuing my blog on the everest rescue. the man risk his own life to save the mans. he abondons his dreams of reaching the top of everest to save this man who he finds dangeling for his life.

Nanee said...

My favorite was JamStar ( Jamilah Star). She is a woman surfer who was surfing with the boys. She ended up free falling into the wave. Sounds Like fun to me. But i wouldnt surf.

Drew West said...

My favorite adventurer was Anousheh Ansari. She was the first female tourist in space. Although it cost a lot of money for her to go, I believe that visiting space as a tourist will become more mainstream in the future. I think it will be a really cool thing to do some day if I ever get a chance.

Drew West said...
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Tyler said...

My favorite was Dan Mazur saving Hall of Mount Everest. That was pretty cool how he was willing to sacrifice finishing his expedition to save someone. Not everyone would have sacrificed their business to do this. In my opinion, he is a hero for saving Lincoln Hall. Plus, Mt Everest would be awesome to add to my life list.

Jordan said...

My favorite is Dan Mazur: Hero on Everest.I understand his feeling of guilt.His clients paid thousands of dollars and trained for months only to be denied a summit, and by the marked drop in his Himalaya climbing enrollments, as if nobody wants to hire a guide who backed off the mountain.In the end he does the right thing when other people didnt.He saves Halls live who was tottering on a ridge at 28,000.feet.

The second story I read was about Eh Kalu's and thier efforts to try and aid nearby villages who were suffering from fammine, and threatment of gun wounds.It is a huge risk to go behind enemy lines and treat the wound and feed the hungry.

Unknown said...

I agree. Hall is an awesome climber. Him saving that guys life is crazy. That episode is in my book "Into Thin Air." The main character, Jon, meets Hall when he travels to everest. Hall was a visionary in the climbing world. I cannot say enough how incredible it was using his climbing skills to save someones life. That is as cool as they come.

darrens18 said...

The one that i liked the most was going to space. BEing an astronaut alone looks cool but being a tourist going into to space defines a whole new meing of travel. Hopefully the price will be cheaper one day

Eric Mueller said...

The one about the guy who was on his way to reach Mt. Everest was one of the better ones on the site. It took a lot of courage to save to help the dude even though their guide left them. It would be an amazing feat to travel to the highest point in the world.

helga said...

My favorite famous first was the one about Neil Armstrong, along with Edwin Aldrin, being the first men on the moon. He landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. They were part of the crew on Apollo 11, and they planted an American flag on the moon to show that the Americans were the first to walk on the moon. It took a great amount of bravery to walk in space on the moon because they had no idea what was going to happen. The U.S. won the "space race" against the Soviet Union.